Wednesday, June 25, 2008

this is not your father's america.

recent headlines have riled me up, so here's a quick gripe about something that has been bothering me for a while...

spin. perception vs. reality.

big current example? the artfully (if completely inappropriately) named "patriot act." if you don't give up basic american freedoms, you're unpatriotic!

politicians are masters of using words to hide or deflect unpleasant truths. sometimes, the new semantics are used to justify illegal actions. here is my "top ten" list of current favorites, and their appalling true meanings:

10- national security letter = subpoena for personal records (bank, email, phone, medical, whatever) with no judicial oversight
9- terrorism threat advisory scale = convenient distraction from government actions at key moments
8- coalition of the willing = co-conspirators
7- liberation force = invading army
6- detainee = prisoner of war
5- combatant status review = deny "detainees" right to trial, allows them to be held without charges
4- military tribunal act = geneva convention rights don't apply to "detainees"
3- black sites = secret cia prisons in countries where human rights are not guaranteed by law
2- enhanced interrogation methods = torture
1- economic stimulus = election year bribe

don't get me wrong. i am very patriotic. i love this country, and feel that it is a choice and rare land of freedoms. my fear is that it can't remain so if we continue to permit a corrupt government to repeal freedoms, commit war crimes, and bankrupt the economy for their own profit.

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