Tuesday, February 5, 2008

how do you choose a candidate?

what kind of citizen are you? are you too lazy and/or apathetic to vote? (thanks for nothing! show up, or shut up!) if you do vote, what influences you the most?

do you choose the candidate who best:
• represents your social concerns?
• shares your core values?
• exemplifies leadership?
• protects you financially?
• keeps our country safe?
• maintains our individual freedoms?
• cares for the environment?
• helps minorities?
• deals with our global position and perception?
• meets several of the above?

be honest. do you research your choice? and no, campaign ads don't count. (really, you shouldn't count tv news channels either.) are you actively involved, or are you more passive?

do you choose the candidate who:
• is the most attractive?
• speaks the most eloquently?
• is more entertaining?
• is your gender/race/religion?
• has the best tv ads?
• is from your state?
• cheers for your sports team?

don't laugh! you know there are people who would never admit it, but if they looked hard, would find only one (or more) of these "reasons" behind their choice. but that's not the worst! the scary fact is, many, many people vote based on something far less substantial:

do you vote for the candidate who:
• represents your political party?

if this is you, your only excuse is if you are neither republican nor democrat. if you vote for any of the "third party" candidates, i'm letting you off the hook. (though i hope at least some of the reasons from my first list apply!) likewise, if you vote for a democrat or a republican because of anything on the first list, you're forgiven. otherwise, what's the point?

you're perpetuating one of the biggest problems in our nation. the "two-party" system. you've joined the gang warfare mentality. you happily vote for who "they" tell you to. way to be free!

and don't give me the "the party represents me" crap! they don't represent you. they use you! the only thing they want from you (aside from you money) is your vote, and the only thing they'll ever give you is a victory or a list of reasons to hate/fear the other party.

you know how they choose their candidates right? the person who best represents the party platform. right. in your dreams! they choose the person who has the best chance of beating the other party. period. if you were guaranteed to beat the other party's candidate, you would absolutely get the nomination. ok, nothing's guaranteed. they may not choose you if: you're a gay, environmental, abortion doctor (republican) or the outspoken evangelical ceo of a giant corporation (democrat)

to wrap up, let me plead with you to seriously consider all the candidates, not just two. chances are, you'll find a third party candidate who fits your "list one" criteria at least as well as the republican/democrat. plus they won't have to vote with the party on anything. (because third parties don't get them elected, the people do.)

finally, if you were going to base your vote solely on list two or three, then don't! pick a third party and "throw away" your vote that way. until enough people do, we are stuck with our current quagmire. stop saying it will never happen, (even though you wish it would) vote for it to happen, and encourage others to do the same!